Numerous professional hairstylists all over Europe already count on the highly effective innovation of the KryoHairStyle®-Cryotechnology – for gorgeous and protected hair.

Hair vitalization
Did your hair become unbalanced? Are they brittle, stressed, dry or suffer from loss of moisture? Or are they often greasy and form fringy strands of hair?
Then it is high time for a KryoHairStyle®-Cryotherapy. Unbalanced hair will negatively affect your personal well-being – if our hair aren’t well, we don’t feel well either. Our hair are the principal of our outward appearance, a sleek, shiny ‘mane’ is the cornerstone for a well-groomed appearance. Help yourself to a professional treatment in one of our authorized hairstyle-salons!
SIMPLY GREAT: The professional Ice-hair sealing with the reliable and highly effective KryoHairStyle®-Cryotechnology
Fascinating and perceptible results are guaranteed after your first KryoHairStyle®-Treatment.

Even after the first KryoHairStyle®-Treatment you can already see the fantastic results for yourself:
- Drop-dead gorgeous hair, naturally shiny and smooth
- An unbelievable short duration of treatment starting with 30 minutes, depending on the length/volume of your hair
- Lasts for up to 5 washings
- Reconstructs the hair
- Stops hair breakage from the roots to the tips
- Vitalizes the hair inside and out
- Gives the hair new vitality and élan
- Provides fresh and natural energy to your hair
- Deeply embeds the colour pigments into your hair, giving your dye more shine and durability
- Protects from the sun (ultraviolet light), salt water and chlorine
- Amazing improvement in hair-quality – in the shortest possible time
- Increased resistance of your hair after every treatment
IMPORTATNT: KryoHairStyle®-Treatments for gorgeous and healthy hair is solely offered in our authorized hairstyle-salons